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A calendar is a system for measuring time, from hours and minutes, to months and days, and finally to years and centuries. The terms of hour, day, month, year and century are all units of time measurements of a calender system. According to the Gregorian calendar, which is the civil calendar in use today, years evenly divisible by 4 are leap years, with the exception of centurial years that are not evenly divisible by 400. Therefore, the years 1700, 1800, 1900 and 2100 are not leap years, but 1600, 2000, and 2400 are leap years. Given the number of days that have elapsed since January 1, 2000 A.D, your mission is to find the date and the day of the week.
The input consists of lines each containing a positive integer, which is the number of days that have elapsed since January 1, 2000 A.D. The last line contains an integer −1, which should not be processed. You may assume that the resulting date won’t be after the year 9999.
For each test case, output one line containing the date and the day of the week in the format of "YYYY-MM-DD DayOfWeek", where "DayOfWeek" must be one of "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday" and "Saturday".
Sample Input
Sample Output
2004-09-26 Sunday2004-10-06 Wednesday2004-10-16 Saturday2004-10-17 Sunday
int main(){ int m; while(scanf("%ld",&m)&&m!=-1) { int n,year=2000,month=1,date=1; n=m%7; while(m>=365) { if(leap(year)==1&&m>365) { m-=366; year++; } else if(leap(year)==0) { m-=365; year++; } else break; } if(leap(year)==1) { if(month==1&&m>30) { m-=31; month++; } if(month==2&&m>28) { m-=29; month++; } if(month==3&&m>30) { m-=31; month++; } if(month==4&&m>29) { m-=30; month++; } if(month==5&&m>30) { m-=31; month++; } if(month==6&&m>29) { m-=30; month++; } if(month==7&&m>30) { m-=31; month++; } if(month==8&&m>30) { m-=31; month++; } if(month==9&&m>29) { m-=30; month++; } if(month==10&&m>30) { m-=31; month++; } if(month==11&&m>29) { m-=30; month++; } date=m+1; } if(leap(year)==0) { if(month==1&&m>30) { m-=31; month++; } if(month==2&&m>27) { m-=28; month++; } if(month==3&&m>30) { m-=31; month++; } if(month==4&&m>29) { m-=30; month++; } if(month==5&&m>30) { m-=31; month++; } if(month==6&&m>29) { m-=30; month++; } if(month==7&&m>30) { m-=31; month++; } if(month==8&&m>30) { m-=31; month++; } if(month==9&&m>29) { m-=30; month++; } if(month==10&&m>30) { m-=31; month++; } if(month==11&&m>29) { m-=30; month++; } date=m+1; } if(month<10&&date<10) printf("%d-0%d-0%d ",year,month,date); else if(month<10) printf("%d-0%d-%d ",year,month,date); else if(date<10) printf("%d-%d-0%d ",year,month,date); else printf("%d-%d-%d ",year,month,date); switch(n) { case 1:printf("Sunday\n");break; case 2:printf("Monday\n");break; case 3:printf("Tuesday\n");break; case 4:printf("Wednesday\n");break; case 5:printf("Thursday\n");break; case 6:printf("Friday\n");break; default:printf("Saturday\n"); } } return 0;}int leap(int y){ if(y%400==0||y%100!=0&&y%4==0) return 1; else return 0;}有点小麻烦,我先判断年份,在做判断年份时,我之前忘记编写break语句,导致结果一直不对。后面对小于365或小于366的数据进行处理。我是逐月减去天数,最后得到一个m值然后判断日期。我同学的代码如下:
#include<stdio.h>int main(){ int y,m,d,n,a[13],year[10000],i,c,w; a[1]=31;a[3]=31;a[4]=30;a[5]=31;a[6]=30;a[7]=31;a[8]=31;a[9]=30;a[10]=31;a[11]=30;a[12]=31; for(i=0;i<10000;i++){ if(((i+2000)%4==0&&(i+2000)%100!=0)||(i+2000)%400==0) year[i]=366; else year[i]=365;} while(scanf("%d",&n)&&n!=-1) { n+=1; for(y=2000,i=0;n>year[i];i++) {n-=year[i];y+=1;} if((y%4==0&&y%100!=0)||y%400==0) a[2]=29; else a[2]=28; for(i=1,m=1;n>a[i];i++) { n-=a[i]; m+=1; } printf("%d-",y); if(m>=10) printf("%d-",m); if(m<10) printf("0%d-",m); if(n>=10) printf("%d ",n); if(n<10) printf("0%d ",n); if(m<3) {m+=12;y-=1;} d=n; c=y/100; y=y%100; w=((c/4)-2*c+y+(y/4)+(13*(m+1)/5)+d-1)%7; while(w<0) w+=7; switch(w) { case 0:{printf("Sunday\n");break;} case 1:{printf("Monday\n");break;} case 2:{printf("Tuesday\n");break;} case 3:{printf("Wednesday\n");break;} case 4:{printf("Thursday\n");break;} case 5:{printf("Friday\n");break;} case 6:{printf("Saturday\n");break;} } } return 0;}比我的简单多了。
#includeint main(){ char w[7][10]={ "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday" ,"Saturday"}; int m[2][13]={ 0,31,28,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31, 0,31,29,31,30,31,30,31,31,30,31,30,31}; int yd[2]={ 365,366}; long day; int year,month,week; int i,j,flag; while(scanf("%ld",&day)&&-1!=day){ week=(day+6)%7;//得到星期几 year=2000; flag=(0==year%4&&year%100!=0)||0==year%400;//flag=1为闰年 ++day;//题目说经过多少天,所以在这里先加1 for(;day>yd[flag];){ //得到年份、剩余天数 day-=yd[flag]; year++; flag=(0==year%4&&year%100!=0)||0==year%400; } for(month=1;day>m[flag][month];++month){ //得到月份和对应天数 day-=m[flag][month]; } printf("%d-%02d-%02d %sn",year,month,day,w[week]);//%02d很方便 } }